Reaction. Make your like more expressive, as not everything in life is likable.
On mouse over the “like” button, users can now see five more animated emoji with a default “Like” emoji. So say hello to new reactions “love,” “haha,” “wow,” “sad,” and “angry”.
In this tutorial, we’ll implement Reaction blueprint Using css3 and jQuery. We’ll not integrate any server side part. Means there will not be any ajax call.
In this tutorial, we’ll implement Reaction blueprint Using css3 and jQuery. We’ll not integrate any server side part. Means there will not be any ajax call.
Creating the structure
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | < div class = "facebook-reaction" > <!-- container div for reaction system --> < span class = "like-btn" > <!-- Default like button --> < span class = "like-btn-emo like-btn-default" ></ span > <!-- Default like button emotion--> < span class = "like-btn-text" >Like</ span > <!-- Default like button text,(Like, wow, sad..) default:Like --> < ul class = "reactions-box" > <!-- Reaction buttons container--> < li class = "reaction reaction-like" data-reaction = "Like" ></ li > < li class = "reaction reaction-love" data-reaction = "Love" ></ li > < li class = "reaction reaction-haha" data-reaction = "HaHa" ></ li > < li class = "reaction reaction-wow" data-reaction = "Wow" ></ li > < li class = "reaction reaction-sad" data-reaction = "Sad" ></ li > < li class = "reaction reaction-angry" data-reaction = "Angry" ></ li > </ ul > </ span > < div class = "like-stat" > <!-- Like statistic container--> < span class = "like-emo" > <!-- like emotions container --> < span class = "like-btn-like" ></ span > <!-- given emotions like, wow, sad (default:Like) --> </ span > < span class = "like-details" >Arkaprava Majumder and 1k others</ span > </ div > </ div > |
.facebook-reaction is our wrapper div, we have default like button, hovering this button we’ll open an un-ordered list containing all emoji icons.
Each list item has .reaction class along with a unique class like .reaction-love and a data attribute data-reaction=”Love” to style individually.
.like-stat div will contain how many likes with different emojis and also show like details summary.
Adding style
First on hovering we need show ul list containing all the emojis. By default ul list will be hidden. let’s show using display: block.
1 2 3 | .like-btn:hover .reactions-box { display : block ; } |
Similarly, at first, each emoji opacity set 0.On hovering like button we’ll set opacity 1 with a custom animation reaction_delay.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | .like-btn:hover .reaction { opacity: 1 ; animation-name: reaction_delay; animation-duration: . 5 s; } @keyframes reaction_delay { 0% { width : 48px ; height : 48px ; top : 60px ; } 48% { width : 56px ; height : 56px ; top : 5px ; } 100% { width : 48px ; height : 48px ; top : 8px ; } } |
For each emoji, we have added style to a unique class like,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | .reaction-angry { left : 300px ; transition-delay: . 25 s; background-image : url ( '../images/reactions_angry.png' ); } .... .... |
on hovering each emoji, we’ll show a tooltip using content property.
1 2 3 4 5 | .reaction-angry::before { content : 'Angry' } .... .... |
on clicking each emoji, we’ll collect unique identifier from data-reaction attribute and we’ll add respective class to like statistics section or small emoji section. we’ll use jQuery to handle click and undo click event.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 | .like-btn-angry{ /* small emoji using sprite */ background-image : url ( '../images/reaction-small.png' ); background-repeat : no-repeat ; background- size : auto ; background-position : -17px -117px ; } .... .... .like-btn-text-angry{ /* like text color*/ color : rgb ( 247 , 113 , 75 ); } .... .... |
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 | $(".reaction").on("click",function(){ // like click var data_reaction = $(this).attr("data-reaction"); // collecting unique identifier $(".like-details").html("You, Arkaprava Majumder and 1k others"); // your click it is right? $(".like-btn-emo").removeClass().addClass('like-btn-emo').addClass('like-btn-'+data_reaction.toLowerCase()); // add class ... like-btn-haha $(".like-btn-text").text(data_reaction).removeClass().addClass('like-btn-text').addClass('like-btn-text-'+data_reaction.toLowerCase()).addClass("active"); // like button text color class if(data_reaction == "Like") // if click like emoji $(".like-emo").html('< span class = "like-btn-like" ></ span >'); else // click other emoji $(".like-emo").html('< span class = "like-btn-like" ></ span >< span class = "like-btn-'+data_reaction.toLowerCase()+'" ></ span >'); }); |
when we clicking emoji we are adding an “active” class to the like button. When you’ll going to undo your reaction, first we’ll identify active state then we’ll clean up emoji class by removing them all and adding default class and text.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | $(".like-btn-text").on("click",function(){ // undo like click if($(this).hasClass("active")){ $(".like-btn-text").text("Like").removeClass().addClass('like-btn-text'); $(".like-btn-emo").removeClass().addClass('like-btn-emo').addClass("like-btn-default"); $(".like-emo").html('< span class = "like-btn-like" ></ span >'); $(".like-details").html("Arkaprava Majumder and 1k others"); } }); |
When you’ll implement this into a live project there should be some ajax call on click or undo event. Check the demo, if you like, comment below your words. All images/sprite has been downloaded from facebook.